After the lapse of a month since its debut, the highly lauded cinematic masterpiece, The Color Purple, is poised to grace the screens of Ghanaian cinemas, commencing on February 9. The announcement emanated from Blitz Bazawule, the director of the film, who chose to disseminate this information through his official social media conduits.
In a post on X, the luminary Ghanaian filmmaker conveyed his profound appreciation for the opportunity to illuminate the tapestry of Ghanaian culture within the cinematic realm. "The Color Purple makes its debut in Ghana on Feb 9. I extend my gratitude for the chance to spotlight our exquisite cultural nuances through this cinematic marvel.
Special thanks to @AfricaFilmSoc, @KwakuObenfoBoat, and #PerryNeptune for the genuine Asante artifacts," expressed the Ghanaian auteur in his post on X.
The Color Purple is a 2023 American coming-of-age musical period drama film directed by Blitz Bazawule. Marcus Gardley's screenplay is based on the stage musical of the same name, which in turn is based on the 1982 novel of the same name by Alice Walker. It is the second film adaptation of the novel, following the 1985 film directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by Spielberg and Quincy Jones. Spielberg and Jones return as producers for the 2023 film, along with its Broadway producers Scott Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, the latter of whom also starred in the 1985 film.