Obaapa Christy Advocates Prayer Over Criticism for Gospel Musicians

Ghanaian gospel musician Christiana Twene, professionally known as Obaapa Christy, has called on Ghanaians to pray for gospel musicians rather than harshly criticize them when they make mistakes. She emphasized that being gospel artists doesn't make them angels, as they are human and prone to errors like anyone else.

In an exclusive interview with Graphic Showbiz on January 29, 2024, Obaapa Christy expressed concern about the negative comments and criticisms that gospel musicians often face when they go astray. She urged people to focus on the positive aspects and not revel in the downfall of others.
The 'W'agye Me' hitmaker took the opportunity to advise her fellow gospel musicians to recognize their worth and demand fair compensation for their performances. She highlighted the importance of self-value, stating that when artists value themselves, event organizers will be more likely to offer them the compensation they deserve, similar to what secular counterparts receive.

"I always say that when you place value on yourself, no event organizer will pay you whatever they want but rather give what is due you when you are hired to perform. I have done this for over 20 years for anyone to just pay me any amount. I am paid what I am due, and that is because I am worth it," she emphasized.

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